The first fire company in New Hanover was the “Fagleysville Fire Company” established about 1920 - it burned soon thereafter.


Municipal Audits

The page includes or will include each municipal audit we receive - general, liquid fuels and pension. Feel free to review each document and contact the Township Manager with questions.

General Audits

Each year the township is subjected to a municipal audit that is conducted by an appointed auditing firm.  The firm audits the municipality's previous year's accounting in the first quarter of the calendar year.

Annual Financial Report
Annual Financial Report

Annual Financial Report


Annual Financial Report


Governance Letter
Annual Financial Report


Communications with Governance at the Conclusion of the Audit
Municipal Annual Audit and Financial Report
Financial Statements and Other Information
Municipal Authority Audit


Communications with Governance at the Conclusion of the Audit
Municipal Annual Audit and Financial Report
Financial Statements and Other Information

Liquid Fuels Audits

The state Office of the Auditor General conducts liquid fuels fund audits on a rolling basis about every two years. Each audit is preceded by a letter to the municipality explaining the process. Auditors submit their findings to PennDOT, which determines if the municipality needs to reimburse its Liquid Fuels Tax Fund account for any LFFs that were misused. 


Pension Audits

2015-2018 Police Pension
2019-2022 Police Pension
2019-2022 Non-Uniformed DB
2019-2022 Non-Uniformed  DC